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Humanities Research: Volume XIX No. 2. 2013 »
The World and World-Making in Art
Edited by: Michelle Antoinette, Zara Stanhope, Caroline Turner
Publication date: July 2013
Humanities Research is an internationally peer-reviewed journal published by the Research School of Humanities at The Australian National University. The Research School of Humanities came into existence in January 2007 and consists of the Humanities Research Centre, Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, National Europe Centre and Australian National Dictionary Centre. Launched in 1997, issues are thematic with guest editors and address important and timely topics across all branches of the humanities.
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craft + design enquiry: issue 3, 2011 »
Sustainability in Craft and Design
Edited by: Kevin Murray
Publication date: December 2012
craft + design enquiry is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal promoting and disseminating research excellence generated by and about the craft and design sector. craft + design enquiry investigates the contribution that contemporary craft and design makes to society, establishing a dialogue between craft and design practice and cultural, social and environmental concerns. It includes submissions from across the field of craft and design from artists and practitioners, curators, historians, art and cultural theorists, educationalists, museum professionals, philosophers, scientists and others with a stake in the future developments of craft and design.
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craft + design enquiry: issue 2, 2010 »
Cross cultural exchanges in craft and design
Edited by: Louise Hamby
Publication date: December 2012
craft + design enquiry is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal promoting and disseminating research excellence generated by and about the craft and design sector. craft + design enquiry investigates the contribution that contemporary craft and design makes to society, establishing a dialogue between craft and design practice and cultural, social and environmental concerns. It includes submissions from across the field of craft and design from artists and practitioners, curators, historians, art and cultural theorists, educationalists, museum professionals, philosophers, scientists and others with a stake in the future developments of craft and design.
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craft + design enquiry: issue 1, 2009 »
Migratory Practices
Publication date: December 2012
craft + design enquiry is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal promoting and disseminating research excellence generated by and about the craft and design sector. craft + design enquiry investigates the contribution that contemporary craft and design makes to society, establishing a dialogue between craft and design practice and cultural, social and environmental concerns. It includes submissions from across the field of craft and design from artists and practitioners, curators, historians, art and cultural theorists, educationalists, museum professionals, philosophers, scientists and others with a stake in the future developments of craft and design.
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Humanities Research: Volume XVIII. No. 1. 2012 »
Perspectives on Ethnographic Film
Edited by: Pip Deveson, Natasha Fijn
Publication date: November 2012
Humanities Research is an internationally peer-reviewed journal published by the Research School of Humanities at The Australian National University. The Research School of Humanities came into existence in January 2007 and consists of the Humanities Research Centre, Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, National Europe Centre and Australian National Dictionary Centre. Launched in 1997, issues are thematic with guest editors and address important and timely topics across all branches of the humanities.
This volume of Humanities Research features an enhanced epub: a downloadable ebook format with embedded video and audio files.
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craft + design enquiry: issue 4, 2012 »
Relational Craft and Design
Edited by: Rosemary Hawker, Peter McNeil
Publication date: October 2012
craft + design enquiry is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal promoting and disseminating research excellence generated by and about the craft and design sector. craft + design enquiry investigates the contribution that contemporary craft and design makes to society, establishing a dialogue between craft and design practice and cultural, social and environmental concerns. It includes submissions from across the field of craft and design from artists and practitioners, curators, historians, art and cultural theorists, educationalists, museum professionals, philosophers, scientists and others with a stake in the future developments of craft and design.
Issue 4, Relational Craft and Design is guest edited by Professor Peter McNeil (University of Technology Sydney) and Dr Rosemary Hawker (Griffith University). They summarise of the intent and content of Issue 4 as follows. “While definitions of craft and design are diverse, we can be sure that today they are embraced by the broader arts and humanities in a way they have not been since the 19th Century. This issue addresses a series of issues affecting the relationship between design and the crafts in a world that is often perceived as problematically ‘globalised’ and the same. What are the processes through which local producers, entrepreneurs and consumers, operating from both cosmopolitan and provincial sites, interact to create connections in this global context? A surprising number of papers with a strong historical focus came forward.” Six papers by Sally Gray, Juliette Peers, Jess Berry, Sera Waters, Sandra Loschke and Richard Read were selected for publication in this issue.
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Australian Chamber Music with Piano »
Authored by: Larry Sitsky
Publication date: October 2011
This book represents the first critical survey of a section of a rich Australian corpus of chamber music. The author has included various instrumental combinations with piano as well as vocal music with piano. The survey is chronological, as well as by composer. An appendix to the work provides source material for future research into this area. The research has concentrated on progressive modernist music by Australian composers. The commentary utilises the author’s rich experience as composer, pianist and educator.

Sung Tales from the Papua New Guinea Highlands »
Studies in Form, Meaning, and Sociocultural Context
Edited by: Alan Rumsey, Don Niles
Publication date: August 2011
The genres of sung tales that are the subject of this volume are one of the most striking aspects of the cultural scene in the Papua New Guinea Highlands. Composed and performed by specialist bards, they are a highly valued art form. From a comparative viewpoint they are remarkable both for their scale and complexity, and for the range of variation that is found among regional genres and individual styles. Though their existence has previously been noted by researchers working in the Highlands, and some recordings made of them, most of these genres have not been studied in detail until quite recently, mainly because of the challenging range of disciplinary expertise that is required—in anthropology, linguistics, and ethnomusicology.
This volume presents a set of interrelated studies by researchers in all of those fields, and by a Papua New Guinea Highlander who has assisted with the research based on his lifelong familiarity with one of the regional genres. The studies presented here (all of them previously unpublished and written especially for this volume) are of groundbreaking significance not only for specialists in Melanesia or the Pacific, but also for readers with a more general interest in comparative poetics, mythology, musicology, or verbal art.

Steep Slopes »
Music and change in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea
Authored by: Kirsty Gillespie
Publication date: December 2010
The Duna live in a physical environment of steep slopes that are sometimes difficult to traverse. A stick of bamboo used as a prop goes a long way in assisting a struggling traveller. Similarly, the Duna live in a social and cultural environment of steep slopes, where the path on which they walk can be precarious and unpredictable. Songs, like the stick of bamboo, assist the Duna in picking their way over this terrain by providing a forum for them to process change as it is experienced, in relation to what is already known.
This book is a musical ethnography of the Duna people of Papua New Guinea. A people who have experienced extraordinary social change in recent history, their musical traditions have also radically changed during this time. New forms of music have been introduced, while ancestral traditions have been altered or even abandoned. This study shows how, through musical creativity, Duna people maintain a connection with their past, and their identity, whilst simultaneously embracing the challenges of the present.

The Australian National University School of Art: A history of the first 65 years »
Authored by: Michael Agostino
Publication date: October 2010
The ANU School of Art has built an international reputation as a leader in visual arts, attracting staff and students from around Australia and the world. it has an active exhibition program; regular visits from distinguished national and international artists; overseas student exchange; open art access classes and co-operative arrangements with many other areas of ANU research and teaching. This volume presents the history of the ANU School of Art, from its humble beginnings as part of the Canberra Technical College in Kingston, to its evolution to stand on the world stage as part of one of Australia's top ranked universities playing an important role in the teaching of research of Australian visual arts, crafts and design.
Hard copies of this book are available through the ANU School of Art.
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