Humanities Research: Volume XIV. No. 2. 2007

Humanities Research: Volume XIV. No. 2. 2007

Pain and Death: Politics, Aesthetics, Legalities

Edited by: Carolyn Strange
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Humanities Research is an internationally peer-reviewed journal published by the Research School of Humanities at The Australian National University. The Research School of Humanities came into existence in January 2007 and consists of the Humanities Research Centre, Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, National Europe Centre and Australian National Dictionary Centre. Launched in 1997, issues are thematic with guest editors and address important and timely topics across all branches of the humanities.

While politics and law may set the boundaries of sanctioned violence within and between states, their understanding and meanings are invariably conditioned by aesthetic questions. Inspired in part by the early phase of the so-called war on terror, when pictures of the penal excesses it unleashed initially created embarrassment and shame, the conference incorporated the work of scholars, artists and performers. This volume’s contributors move beyond the specifics of the war on terror to consider other instances in which officially legitimated violence has been invoked, contested or suppressed, not only through legal and political means, and in official records, but also in popular media and art forms.


ISSN (print):
ISSN (online):
Publication date:
Aug 2007
ANU Press
Humanities Research
Arts & Humanities

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