Global Water
Issues and Insights
Edited by: Quentin Grafton
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This book brings together some of the world’s leading water researchers with an especially written collection of chapters on: water economics; transboundary water; water and development; water and energy; and water concepts.
- ISBN (print):
- 9781925021660
- ISBN (online):
- 9781925021677
- Publication date:
- May 2014
- Imprint:
- ANU Press
- DOI:
- http://doi.org/10.22459/GW.05.2014
- Disciplines:
- Business & Economics; Science: Other; Social Sciences: Development Studies, Politics & International Studies
- Countries:
- World
PDF Chapters
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Part 1: Introduction
- Introduction (PDF, 98KB) – R.Q. Grafton, P.R. Wyrwoll, C. White and D. Allendes doi
Part 2: Economics
- Economics (PDF, 168KB) – R. Quentin Grafton doi
- Managing residential water demand in the OECD (PDF, 143KB) – Michael Ward and Chris White doi
- Water finance: Preparing for the next critical juncture (PDF, 198KB) – Diego J. Rodriguez and Amanda McMahon doi
- Outlining a transition from cost-effective to productive rural water service improvements (PDF, 287KB) – Adam Abramson doi
- Improving West African rice production with agricultural water management strategies (PDF, 131KB) – Pamela G. Katic doi
- An assessment of the replacement of traditional irrigation systems by private wells in Tamil Nadu, India (PDF, 258KB) – Kei Kajisa doi
- Water markets in the Murray-Darling Basin (PDF, 199KB) – R. Quentin Grafton and James Horne doi
Part 3: Transboundary governance
- Transboundary water governance (PDF, 222KB) – Daniel Connell doi
- How ‘soft’ power shapes transboundary water interaction (PDF, 277KB) – Jeroen Warner, Mark Zeitoun and Naho Mirumachi doi
- Greater exchange, greater ambiguity: Water resources data and information exchange in transboundary water treaties (PDF, 152KB) – Andrea K. Gerlak, Jonathon Lautze and Mark Giordarno doi
- Opening the black box of river basin organisations (PDF, 251KB) – Susanne Schmeier doi
- The agreement on the Guarani Aquifer: Cooperation without conflict (PDF, 498KB) – Pilar Carolina Villar and Wagner Costa Ribeiro doi
- The Brahmaputra: Water hotspot in Himalayan Asia (PDF, 114KB) – Robert G. Wirsing doi
Part 4: Development
- Development (PDF, 91KB) – Bob Warner doi
- Improved but not necessarily safe: Water access and the Millennium Development Goals (PDF, 461KB) – Robert Bain, Jim Wright, Hong Yang, Stephen Gundry, Steve Pedley and Jamie Bartram doi
- Water supply and sanitation in India: Meeting targets and beyond (PDF, 395KB) – Sridhar Vedachalam doi
- Mobile water payments in urban Africa: Adoption, implications and opportunities (PDF, 566KB) – Tim Foster, Rob Hope, Aaron Krolikowski and Ilana Cohen doi
- Good governance for state-owned water utilities (PDF, 97KB) – Sanford V. Berg doi
- Water, women and marital violence in a Bangladesh village (PDF, 134KB) – K.M. Rabiul Karim, Maria Emmelin, Bernadette P. Resurreccion and Sarah Wamala doi
Part 5: Energy
- Energy (PDF, 326KB) – Jamie Pittock doi
- Water security at the energy crossroads (PDF, 484KB) – Edward Byers doi
- A thirst for power: A global analysis of water consumption for energy production (PDF, 515KB) – Edward Spang doi
- New perspectives on the effects of natural gas extraction on groundwater quality (PDF, 536KB) – Zacariah L. Hildenbrand, Brian E. Fontenot, Doug D. Carlton Jr and Kevin A. Schug doi
- Shale gas for energy security in India: Perspectives and constraints (PDF, 451KB) – Asit K. Biswas and Julian Kirchherr doi
- Dams on the Mekong (PDF, 111KB) – Stuart Orr doi
Part 6: Water concepts
- Water concepts (PDF, 92KB) – Karen Hussey doi
- Understanding water scarcity: Definitions and measurements (PDF, 215KB) – Chris White doi
- Water security: Converging toward toward common understanding through quantification (PDF, 889KB) – Jonathan Lautze and Herath Manthrithilake doi
- Water footprints: Policy relevant or one-dimensional indicators? (PDF, 129KB) – Dennis Wichelns doi
- Virtual water: Some reservations (PDF, 113KB) – Ramaswamy R. Iyer doi
- Virtual water trade means ‘trade in in water services’ (PDF, 95KB) – Jeffrey J. Reimer doi
- Understanding resilience: Implications for the water sector (PDF, 112KB) – Heather Smith doi
Part 7: UNESCO Water Chairs and Centres
- UNESCO Water Chairs and Centres (PDF, 91KB) – R. Quentin Grafton doi
- Promoting cooperation for transboundary water security: The experience of the UNESCO Chair/INWEB (PDF, 659KB) – Jacques Ganoulis, Katie Quartano and Charalampos Skoulikaris doi
- The UN Watercourses Convention and its complementary User’s Guide- Indispensable ingredients for global water cooperation (PDF, 133KB) – Ariel Litke and Alistair Rieu-Clarke doi
- Water reuse and wastewater recycling- Solutions to Tehran’s growing water crisis (PDF, 238KB) – Masoud Tajrishy, Abedeh Abdolghafoorian and Ahmad Abrishamchi doi
- Water services and cooperation (PDF, 377KB) – Tapio S. Katko, Jarmo J. Hukka, D.A. Mashauri and E.N. Nyangeri doi
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