Sharing the Earth, Dividing the Land

Sharing the Earth, Dividing the Land

Land and territory in the Austronesian world

Edited by: Thomas Reuter

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This collection of papers is the fifth in a series of volumes on the work of the Comparative Austronesian Project. Reflecting the unique experience of fourteen ethnographers in as many different societies, the papers in this volume explore how people in the Austronesian-speaking societies of the Asia-Pacific have traditionally constructed their relationship to land and specific territories. Focused on the nexus of local and global processes, the volume offers fresh perspectives to current debate in social theory on the conflicting human tendencies of mobility and emplacement.


ISBN (print):
ISBN (online):
Publication date:
Oct 2006
ANU Press
Comparative Austronesian Series
Arts & Humanities: Cultural Studies, History, Linguistics; Social Sciences: Anthropology
Pacific; Southeast Asia

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Sharing the Earth, Dividing the Land »

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To copy a chapter DOI link, right-click (on a PC) or control+click (on a Mac) and then select ‘Copy link location’.

  1. Land and Territory in the Austronesian World (PDF, 226KB)Thomas Reuter doi
  2. The Origin Structure of Kute Among the Gumai: An Analysis of an Indigenous Territorial Institution in the Highlands of South Sumatra (PDF, 704KB)Minako Sakai doi
  3. Ritual Domains and Communal Land in the Highlands of Bali (PDF, 463KB)Thomas Reuter doi
  4. Banua or Negara? The Culture of Land in South Bali (PDF, 825KB)Graeme MacRae doi
  5. Tanah Berkat (Blessed Land): The Source of the Local in the Banda Islands, Central Maluku (PDF, 209KB)Phillip Winn doi
  6. Mapping Buru: The Politics of Territory and Settlement on an Eastern Indonesian Island (PDF, 839KB)Barbara Dix Grimes doi
  7. Traditional Territorial Categories and Constituent Institutions in West Seram: The Nili Ela of ’WELE Telu Batai and the Alune Hena of Ma’saman Uwei (PDF, 565KB)Christine Boulan-Smit doi
  8. From Domains to Rajadom: Notes on the History of Territorial Categories and Institutions in the Rajadom of Sikka (PDF, 3.9MB)E.D. Lewis doi
  9. We Are Children Of The Land: A Keo Perspective (PDF, 503KB)Philipus Tule doi
  10. Contending for Ritual Control of Land and Polity: Comparisons from the Timor Area of Eastern Indonesia (PDF, 167KB)James J. Fox doi
  11. Fataluku Forest Tenures and the Conis Santana National Park in East Timor (PDF, 329KB)Andrew McWilliam doi
  12. Self-Scaling the Earth: Relations of Land, Society and Body Among North Mekeo, Papua New Guinea (PDF, 422KB)Mark Mosko doi
  13. The Ways of the Land-Tree: Mapping the North Pentecost Social Landscape (PDF, 734KB)John P. Taylor doi
  14. Finishing the Land: Identity and Land Use in Pre- and Post-Colonial North Ambrym (PDF, 200KB)Mary Patterson doi
  15. People and Place in Tonga: The Social Construction of Fonua in Oceania (PDF, 399KB)Steve Francis doi

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