Assessing the Evidence on Indigenous Socioeconomic Outcomes

Assessing the Evidence on Indigenous Socioeconomic Outcomes

A focus on the 2002 NATSISS

Edited by: Boyd Hunter

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This monograph presents the peer-reviewed proceedings of the CAEPR conference on Indigenous Socioeconomic Outcomes: Assessing Recent Evidence, held at The Australian National University in August 2005. It presents the latest evidence on Indigenous economic and social status, and family and community life, and discusses its implications for government policy.

The main focus of this volume is on analysing the 2002 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (NATSISS) outputs and issues about how to interpret the data. It also offers some assessment of changes in Indigenous social conditions over time and examines how Indigenous people fared vis-à-vis other Australians in other statistical collections. The discussion of the broad Indigenous policy context by three prominent Indigenous Australians—Larissa Berhendt, Tom Calma, and Geoff Scott—explores different perspectives.


ISBN (print):
ISBN (online):
Publication date:
Jun 2006
CAEPR Monograph No. 26
ANU Press
Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (CAEPR)
Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (CAEPR)
Social Sciences: Indigenous Studies, Statistics & Operational Research

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Assessing the Evidence on Indigenous Socioeconomic Outcomes »

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To copy a chapter DOI link, right-click (on a PC) or control+click (on a Mac) and then select ‘Copy link location’.

  1. Towards a history of Indigenous statistics in Australia (PDF, 126KB)Tim Rowse doi
  2. Statistical needs in Indigenous affairs: the role of the 2002 NATSISS (PDF, 151KB)Jon Altman and John Taylor doi
  3. The 2002 NATSISS—the ABS survey methodology and concepts (PDF, 211KB)Andrew Webster, Alistair Rogers and Dan Black doi
  4. Selected methodological issues for analysis of the 2002 NATSISS (PDF, 398KB)Nicholas Biddle and Boyd Hunter doi
  5. Differentials and determinants of Indigenous population mobility (PDF, 234KB)John Taylor and Yohannes Kinfu doi
  6. Aboriginal child mortality in Australia: Recent levels and covariates (PDF, 836KB)Yohannes Kinfu doi
  7. Understanding housing outcomes for Indigenous Australians: what can the 2002 NATSISS add? (PDF, 160KB)Will Sanders doi
  8. Revisiting the poverty war: income status and financial stress among Indigenous Australians (PDF, 186KB)Boyd Hunter doi
  9. Family and community life (PDF, 176KB)Ruth Weston and Matthew Gray doi
  10. Labour market issues (PDF, 154KB)Matthew Gray and Bruce Chapman doi
  11. Asking the right questions? (PDF, 153KB)Bob Gregory doi
  12. The real ‘real’ economy in remote Australia (PDF, 211KB)Jon Altman, Geoff Buchanan and Nicholas Biddle doi
  13. Panel Discussion: Diverse perspectives on the evidence (PDF, 184KB)Larissa Behrendt, Tom Calma, Geoff Scott, (with introductory remarks by Jon Altman) doi
  14. Education and training: the 2002 NATSISS (PDF, 127KB)R.G. (Jerry) Schwab doi
  15. Indigenous Australians and transport—what can the NATSISS tell us? (PDF, 184KB)Sarah Holcombe doi
  16. Information and Communication Technology (PDF, 611KB)Peter Radoll doi
  17. Health (PDF, 287KB)Russell Ross doi
  18. Substance use in the 2002 NATSISS (PDF, 349KB)Tanya Chikritzhs and Maggie Brady doi
  19. Crime and justice issues (PDF, 164KB)Mick Dodson and Boyd Hunter doi
  20. Culture (PDF, 118KB)Nicolas Peterson doi
  21. Language (PDF, 151KB)Inge Kral and Frances Morphy doi
  22. Torres Strait Islanders and the national survey model (PDF, 263KB)Bill Arthur and John Hughes doi
  23. Social justice and human rights: using Indigenous socioeconomic data in policy development (PDF, 155KB)Tom Calma doi
  24. Influencing Indigenous policy making with statistics (PDF, 96KB)Jon Altman and Boyd Hunter doi

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