Ashish Kothari

Founder-member of Indian environmental group Kalpavriksh, Ashish has taught at the Indian Institute of Public Administration and as guest faculty in several universities in India and abroad.
He has coordinated India’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan process, served on boards or steering committees of several civil organisations (including Greenpeace International and India, Indian Society of Ecological Economics, World Commission on Protected Areas, IUCN Commission on Social, Economic and Environmental Policy, and Bombay Natural History Society), co-chaired IUCN WCPA-CEESP Strategic Direction on Governance, Equity and Livelihoods (TILCEPA), and helped found the ICCA Consortium.
Active in both peoples’ movements and on government committees, Ashish has initiated a process to bring together people and stories on alternatives in India, Vikalp Sangam, and networking on well-being alternatives around the world, through a Peoples’ Sustainability Treaty on Radical Ecological Democracy.
He has authored or edited (singly or with others) over 30 books, including Birds in Our Lives, Sharing Power and (with Aseem Shrivastava) Churning the Earth: The Making of Global India.

Gouvernance et gestion des aires protégées »

Gobernanza y gestión de áreas protegidas »