Australia and Latin America

Australia and Latin America

Challenges and Opportunities in the New Millennium

Edited by: Barry Carr orcid, John Minns

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This is a good time to reflect on opportunities and challenges for Australia in Latin America. Impressive economic growth and opportunities for trade and investment have made Latin America a dynamic area for Australia and the Asia Pacific region. A growing Latin American population, Australia’s attractiveness to Latin American students, a fascination with the cultural vibrancy of the Americas and an awareness of Latin America’s increasingly independent stance in politics and economic diplomacy, have all contributed to raising the region’s profile. This collection of essays provides the first substantial introduction to Australia’s evolving engagement with Latin America, identifying current trends and opportunities, and making suggestions about how relationships in trade, investment, foreign aid, education, culture and the media could be strengthened.


ISBN (print):
ISBN (online):
Publication date:
Aug 2014
ANU Press
Arts & Humanities: Cultural Studies, History; Business & Economics; Science: Environmental Sciences; Social Sciences: Education & Training, Politics & International Studies
Australia; South America

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To copy a chapter DOI link, right-click (on a PC) or control+click (on a Mac) and then select ‘Copy link location’.

  1. Latin America: Changing political realities and trends 2000–2014 (PDF, 154KB)Barry Carr doi
  2. Australia–Latin America Education Relations (PDF, 304KB)Sean W. Burges doi
  3. Australia’s Foreign Aid to Latin America (PDF, 175KB)John Minns doi
  4. Australia, Latin America and the Environment (PDF, 165KB)James R. Levy and Peter Ross doi
  5. Australia–Latin America Trade and Business Relations (PDF, 3.5MB)Pierre van der Eng and Don Kenyon doi
  6. Australia and Latin America: Shared experiences and prospects for a new partnership (PDF, 3.3MB)Don Kenyon and Pierre van der Eng doi
  7. Latinos in Australia (PDF, 395KB)Victor Del Río doi
  8. Print and Electronic Media (PDF, 2.9MB)John Sinclair doi
  9. Culture as a Key to Connections: Using culture to promote Australia’s strategic relationship with Latin America (PDF, 138KB)Ralph Newmark doi
  10. Doing Business in Latin America the Australian Way: Debunking myths about cross-cultural sensitivities (PDF, 148KB)Bob Hodge doi

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