Ministerial Careers and Accountability in the Australian Commonwealth Government

Ministerial Careers and Accountability in the Australian Commonwealth Government

Edited by: Keith Dowding, Chris Lewis

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This book examines the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of Australian cabinet ministers. It examines the sorts of jobs ministers do, what is expected of them, what they expect of the job and how they (are supposed to) work together as a team. It considers aspects of how they are chosen to become ministers; how they are scrutinised by parliament and the media; and how ministers themselves view accountability. It also looks at the causes of calls for ministers to resign, examines scandals around ministers and assesses ministerial accountability.


ISBN (print):
ISBN (online):
Publication date:
Sep 2012
ANU Press
Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG)
The Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG)
Arts & Humanities: History; Social Sciences: Politics & International Studies

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Ministerial Careers and Accountability in the Australian Commonwealth Government »

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  1. Hiring, Firing, Roles and Responsibilities (PDF, 154KB)Keith Dowding and Chris Lewis doi
  2. Ministers as Ministries and the Logic of their Collective Action (PDF, 193KB)John Wanna doi
  3. Predicting Cabinet Ministers: A psychological approach (PDF, 310KB)Michael Dalvean doi
  4. Democratic Ambivalence? Ministerial attitudes to party and parliamentary scrutiny (PDF, 232KB)James Walter doi
  5. Ministerial Accountability to Parliament (PDF, 512KB)Phil Larkin doi
  6. The Pattern of Forced Exits from the Ministry (PDF, 368KB)Keith Dowding, Chris Lewis and Adam Packer doi
  7. Ministers and Scandals (PDF, 166KB)Scott Brenton doi
  8. A Recent Scandal: The Home Insulation Program (PDF, 191KB)Chris Lewis doi
  9. Assessing Ministerial Responsibility in Australia (PDF, 159KB)Richard Mulgan doi

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