A Bird That Flies With Two Wings

A Bird That Flies With Two Wings

Kastom and state justice systems in Vanuatu

Authored by: Miranda Forsyth orcid

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This book investigates the problems and possibilities of plural legal orders through an in-depth study of the relationship between the state and customary justice systems in Vanuatu. It argues that there is a need to move away from the current state-centric approach to law reform in the South Pacific region, and instead include all state and non-state legal orders in development strategies and dialogue. The book also presents a typology of models of engagement between state and non-state legal systems, and describes a process for analysing which of these models would be most advantageous for any country in the South Pacific region, and beyond.


ISBN (print):
ISBN (online):
Publication date:
Sep 2009
ANU Press
Arts & Humanities: Cultural Studies; Law; Social Sciences: Social Policy & Administration
Pacific: Vanuatu

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