Ashley Barnwell
Ashley Barnwell is a senior lecturer in sociology at the University of Melbourne. She is interested in sociological aspects of emotions, memory, and narrative, and the role of life writing, archives, and literature in sociological research. She is an ARC DECRA fellow working on the project ‘Family Secrets, National Silences: Intergenerational Memory in Settler Colonial Australia’. This project aims to investigate the inherited family secrets, stories and memories that inform Australians’ understandings of colonial history. Ashley publishes across sociology, history and literary studies, and is co-author of the book Reckoning with the Past: Family Historiographies in Australian Literature (with Joseph Cummins, 2019). She is a settler descendant who was born on Birrpai Country. In an ongoing collaboration with Birrpai historian John Heath, she has written about local and family histories of Indigenous-settler relations in the journal Life Writing, and the book, Burrawan: The Desecration and Resurrection of Lake Innes (2023).