Learning from Fukushima

Learning from Fukushima

Nuclear power in East Asia

View the Japanese translation

Edited by: Peter Van Ness, Mel Gurtov

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Learning from Fukushima began as a project to respond in a helpful way to the March 2011 triple disaster (earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown) in north-eastern Japan. It evolved into a collaborative and comprehensive investigation of whether nuclear power was a realistic energy option for East Asia, especially for the 10 member-countries of ASEAN, none of which currently has an operational nuclear power plant. We address all the questions that a country must ask in considering the possibility of nuclear power, including cost of construction, staffing, regulation and liability, decommissioning, disposal of nuclear waste, and the impact on climate change. The authors are physicists, engineers, biologists, a public health physician, and international relations specialists. Each author presents the results of their work.

The Japanese translation of this book is available for purchase on the Ronso website.


ISBN (print):
ISBN (online):
Publication date:
Sep 2017
ANU Press
Science: Environmental Sciences; Social Sciences: Politics & International Studies, Social Policy & Administration
East Asia: Japan

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Learning from Fukushima »

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Part I The state of the nuclear industry

  1. Nuclear energy policy issues in Japan after the Fukushima nuclear accident (PDF, 0.2MB)Tatsujiro Suzuki doi
  2. The French exception: The French nuclear power industry and its influence on political plans to transition to a new energy system (PDF, 0.3MB)Christina Stuart doi
  3. Energy subsidies: Global estimates, causes of variance, and gaps for the nuclear fuel cycle (PDF, 0.3MB)Doug Koplow doi

Part II Country studies

  1. A new normal? The changing future of nuclear energy in China (PDF, 0.2MB)M. V. Ramana and Amy King doi
  2. Protesting policy and practice in South Korea’s nuclear energy industry (PDF, 0.2MB)Lauren Richardson doi
  3. Control or manipulation? Nuclear power in Taiwan (PDF, 0.3MB)Gloria Kuang-Jung Hsu doi
  4. Enhancing nuclear energy cooperation in ASEAN: Regional norms and challenges (PDF, 0.2MB)Mely Caballero-Anthony and Julius Cesar I. Trajano doi

Part III The real costs of going nuclear

  1. Health implications of ionising radiation (PDF, 0.3MB)Tilman A. Ruff doi
  2. Nuclear energy and its ecological byproducts: Lessons from Chernobyl and Fukushima (PDF, 0.2MB)Timothy A. Mousseau and Anders P. Møller doi

Part IV A post-nuclear future

  1. Decommissioning nuclear power reactors (PDF, 0.2MB)Kalman A. Robertson doi
  2. Sustainable energy options (PDF, 0.4MB)Andrew Blakers doi
  3. Lessons of Fukushima: Nine reasons why (PDF, 0.2MB)Peter Van Ness doi


The book is a testament to the contributors for their call for sustained vigilance on issues surrounding the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster and its prolonged effects.
—Alona U. Guevarra, International Journal of Asian Studies, 20 July 2018

Read the full review on the Cambridge University Press website

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