Vera Mackie
Vera Mackie, FASSA, is Senior Professor of Asian Studies in the Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts at the University of Wollongong. Her publications include The Routledge handbook of sexuality studies in East Asia (co-edited with Mark McLelland; Routledge 2015); Ways of knowing about human rights in Asia (Routledge 2015); Gender, nation and state in modern Japan (co-edited with Andrea Germer and Ulrike Wöhr; Routledge 2014); Gurōbaruka to Jendā Hyōshō [Globalisation and representations of gender] (Ochanomizu Shobō 2003); Feminism in modern Japan: Citizenship, embodiment and sexuality (Cambridge 2003); and Human rights and gender politics: Asia-Pacific perspectives (co‑edited with Anne-Marie Hilsdon, Martha Macintyre and Maila Stivens; Rutledge 2000).