Seumas Miller
Seumas Miller is a Professorial Research Fellow at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics (an Australian Research Council Special Research Centre) at Charles Sturt University (Canberra) and the 3TU Centre for Ethics and Technology at Delft University of Technology (The Hague). He is the foundation director of CAPPE (2000-2007), Head of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at CSU 1994-9 and Professor of Philosophy at The Australian National University (2003-11). He is the author or co-author of over 150 academic articles and 15 books, including Investigative Ethics: Ethics for Police Detectives and Criminal Investigators (Blackwell, 2014), Security and Privacy (lead author John Kleinig) (ANU Press, 2012), Moral Foundations of Social Institutions (Cambridge University Press, 2010), Terrorism and Counter-terrorism: Ethics and Liberal Democracy (Blackwell, 2009), Corruption and Anti-corruption (Prentice Hall, 2005), Ethical Issues in Policing (Ashgate, 2005), and Social Action: A Teleological Account (Cambridge University Press, 2001).