Jules Wills

Dr Wills is Director International Alumni at the University of Canberra: he holds a Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies from CCAE, and a Masters Degree in Public Administration and PhD in Public Sector Management from UC.
Jules served 23 years in the Royal Australian Air Force and 13 years in the Australian Public Service before moving fulltime to UC in 2000.
During several years as a UC Senior Lecturer in business and government, he served as Director of the Center for Research in Public Sector Management and Academic Director of the National Institute for Governance. He was also Convenor of the Command, Leadership and Management and RAN MBA programs for the Australian Command and Staff Course, Australian Defence College at Weston, ACT, and Convenor of the Doctorate in Business Administration.
In 2003, he founded the China Management Studies Unit and became the Director, Professional Management Programs in 2004 where he revamped the PMP programs, expanded its APS operations and developed a comprehensive network of international training connections.
He was appointed Director of the newly combined Marketing and International group in November 2007 and up to March 2011 in this role was responsible for domestic and international marketing and recruiting, brand and publishing, centralised management of transnational education for UC and coordinating international training at UC and overseas.
Jules became Director International Alumni in 2011.