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Professional Social Work in Australia »
Authored by: R.J. Lawrence
Publication date: February 2016
This is an unchanged republication of the first historical account of the social work profession in Australia. It traces the development of social work education and professional social work in the larger, more industrialised societies overseas before the same developments began in Australia in the late 1920s, and it notes the part played by overseas influence in the subsequent 30-odd years. The book concentrates on the development of training bodies and their courses, the spread of qualified social workers into various fields of employment in Australia’s expanding health and welfare services, and the growth of professional associations and their programmes. The author assesses the occupational group in terms of accepted attitudes towards the established professions. He concludes with a discussion of major contemporary issues facing the Australian social work profession.

craft + design enquiry: issue 7, 2015 »
Landscape, Place and Identity in Craft and Design
Edited by: Kay Lawrence
Publication date: November 2015
craft + design enquiry is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal promoting and disseminating research excellence generated by and about the craft and design sector. craft + design enquiry investigates the contribution that contemporary craft and design makes to society, establishing a dialogue between craft and design practice and cultural, social and environmental concerns. It includes submissions from across the field of craft and design from artists and practitioners, curators, historians, art and cultural theorists, educationalists, museum professionals, philosophers, scientists and others with a stake in the future developments of craft and design.
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craft + design enquiry: issue 6, 2014 »
Craft • Material • Memory
Edited by: Anne Brennan, Patsy Hely
Publication date: August 2014
craft + design enquiry is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal promoting and disseminating research excellence generated by and about the craft and design sector. craft + design enquiry investigates the contribution that contemporary craft and design makes to society, establishing a dialogue between craft and design practice and cultural, social and environmental concerns. It includes submissions from across the field of craft and design from artists and practitioners, curators, historians, art and cultural theorists, educationalists, museum professionals, philosophers, scientists and others with a stake in the future developments of craft and design.
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Losing Control »
Freedom of the Press in Asia
Edited by: Louise Williams, Roland Rich
Publication date: January 2014
‘A free press is not a luxury. A free press is at the absolute core of equitable development’ according to World Bank President James Wolfensohn. A free press is also the key to transparency and good governance and is an indispensable feature of a democracy. So how does Asia rate? In Losing Control, leading journalists analyse the state of play in all the countries of North Asia and Southeast Asia. From the herd journalism of Japan to the Stalinist system of North Korea, Losing Control provides an inside look at journalism and freedom of the press in each country. One conclusion—a combination of new technology and greater democracy is breaking the shackles that once constrained the press in Asia.
‘Brings together Asia’s best and brightest observers of the press.’
Hamish McDonald, Foreign Editor, The Sydney Morning Herald
‘A rare insiders’ view exposing the real dynamics behind social and political change in Asia.’
Evan Williams, Foreign Correspondent, ABC TV
‘A timely and necessary contribution to the debate over the quality of freedom in Asia.’
Geoffrey Barker, The Australian Financial Review

craft + design enquiry: issue 5, 2013 »
A World In Making: Cities Craft Design
Edited by: Suzie Attiwill
Publication date: September 2013
craft + design enquiry is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal promoting and disseminating research excellence generated by and about the craft and design sector. craft + design enquiry investigates the contribution that contemporary craft and design makes to society, establishing a dialogue between craft and design practice and cultural, social and environmental concerns. It includes submissions from across the field of craft and design from artists and practitioners, curators, historians, art and cultural theorists, educationalists, museum professionals, philosophers, scientists and others with a stake in the future developments of craft and design.
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craft + design enquiry: issue 3, 2011 »
Sustainability in Craft and Design
Edited by: Kevin Murray
Publication date: December 2012
craft + design enquiry is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal promoting and disseminating research excellence generated by and about the craft and design sector. craft + design enquiry investigates the contribution that contemporary craft and design makes to society, establishing a dialogue between craft and design practice and cultural, social and environmental concerns. It includes submissions from across the field of craft and design from artists and practitioners, curators, historians, art and cultural theorists, educationalists, museum professionals, philosophers, scientists and others with a stake in the future developments of craft and design.
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craft + design enquiry: issue 4, 2012 »
Relational Craft and Design
Edited by: Rosemary Hawker, Peter McNeil
Publication date: October 2012
craft + design enquiry is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal promoting and disseminating research excellence generated by and about the craft and design sector. craft + design enquiry investigates the contribution that contemporary craft and design makes to society, establishing a dialogue between craft and design practice and cultural, social and environmental concerns. It includes submissions from across the field of craft and design from artists and practitioners, curators, historians, art and cultural theorists, educationalists, museum professionals, philosophers, scientists and others with a stake in the future developments of craft and design.
Issue 4, Relational Craft and Design is guest edited by Professor Peter McNeil (University of Technology Sydney) and Dr Rosemary Hawker (Griffith University). They summarise of the intent and content of Issue 4 as follows. “While definitions of craft and design are diverse, we can be sure that today they are embraced by the broader arts and humanities in a way they have not been since the 19th Century. This issue addresses a series of issues affecting the relationship between design and the crafts in a world that is often perceived as problematically ‘globalised’ and the same. What are the processes through which local producers, entrepreneurs and consumers, operating from both cosmopolitan and provincial sites, interact to create connections in this global context? A surprising number of papers with a strong historical focus came forward.” Six papers by Sally Gray, Juliette Peers, Jess Berry, Sera Waters, Sandra Loschke and Richard Read were selected for publication in this issue.
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Australian Humanities Review: Issue 52, 2012 »
Edited by: Monique Rooney, Russell Smith
Publication date: September 2012
Australian Humanities Review is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal featuring articles, essays and reviews focusing on a wide array of topics related to literature, culture, history and politics.
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Proceedings of the 7th University House Wine Symposium »
Edited by: Kiaran Kirk, John Richards
Publication date: August 2012
Even before University House was opened in 1954, a House Wine Committee had been formed, leading to the 1st University House Wine Symposium, held in 1956. These proceedings record the 7th University House Wine Symposium, held in 2011 to commemorate the 40-year anniversary of the first plantings that have led to the internationally acclaimed wines of the Canberra District Wine Region.

R. G. Menzies Scholarships to Harvard 1968—2010 »
Menzies Scholarship Selection Committee
Edited by: Karen Holt, Kim Rubenstein
Publication date: April 2011
Since the R.G. Menzies Scholarships to Harvard were established in 1967, sixty-three Australian Menzies Scholars have been sent to study at Harvard. This book derives from the Menzies Scholars themselves: it is a collection of reminiscences and stories about their experiences at Harvard and the influence that the Menzies Scholarship has had on their careers and achievements in life. This commemorative volume was presented to Professor James Fox at a dinner for Menzies Scholars held in April 2011 at the Australian National University, to thank Professor Fox for his 33 years of distinguished service to the Menzies Scholarship Selection Committee.