craft + design enquiry
Please note: This journal ceased publishing in 2015.
craft + design enquiry is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal promoting and disseminating research excellence generated by and about the craft and design sector. craft + design enquiry investigates the contribution that contemporary craft and design makes to society, establishing a dialogue between craft and design practice and cultural, social and environmental concerns. It includes submissions from across the field of craft and design from artists and practitioners, curators, historians, art and cultural theorists, educationalists, museum professionals, philosophers, scientists and others with a stake in the future developments of craft and design.

craft + design enquiry: issue 7, 2015 »
Landscape, Place and Identity in Craft and Design

craft + design enquiry: issue 6, 2014 »
Craft • Material • Memory

craft + design enquiry: issue 5, 2013 »
A World In Making: Cities Craft Design

craft + design enquiry: issue 3, 2011 »
Sustainability in Craft and Design

craft + design enquiry: issue 2, 2010 »
Cross cultural exchanges in craft and design

craft + design enquiry: issue 1, 2009 »
Migratory Practices