

Refugee Journeys »

Histories of Resettlement, Representation and Resistance

Publication date: February 2021
Refugee Journeys presents stories of how governments, the public and the media have responded to the arrival of people seeking asylum, and how these responses have impacted refugees and their lives. Mostly covering the period from 1970 to the present, the chapters provide readers with an understanding of the political, social and historical contexts that have brought us to the current day. This engaging collection of essays also considers possible ways to break existing policy deadlocks, encouraging readers to imagine a future where we carry vastly different ideas about refugees, government policies and national identities.


Understanding the news in 2021 »

As the Myanmar coup continues to rattle world politics, two books shed a light on Myanmar’s turbulent democratic history. Trevor Wilson’s Eyewitness to Early Reform in Myanmar and Andrew Selth’s 2020 publication Interpreting Myanmar are available for free download. With the UNHCR reporting that