David Martin

Dr David Martin is an independent applied anthropologist, working through Anthropos Consulting, as well as being a visiting scholar at the School of Archaeology and Anthropology at The Australian National University. He was previously a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (CAEPR), and for a decade prior to that a Research Fellow there. His research and applied interests are focused on Aboriginal Australia, and include welfare reform, alcohol issues, economic and community development, native title, and governance. He has provided policy advice on settling native title claims and undertaken reviews of connection reports for Native Title Representative Bodies as well as for government agencies in Western Australia, South Australia and Victoria. He has also researched at the CAEPR on the capacity of mining agreements to deliver sustainable development outcomes for Aboriginal people, and more generally has undertaken extensive research and applied work on Aboriginal governance issues, including those relating to Prescribed Bodies Corporate and mining agreement-related trusts and corporations.
David Martin has considerable experience in delivering professional development courses for public servants, lawyers, anthropologists, mining company employees, and Aboriginal organisations. He is actively involved in outreach for the profession of anthropology, having served until recently for several years on the Executive of the Australian Anthropological Society, and has been involved in mentoring anthropologists in Aboriginal organizations and government agencies. He is a forceful advocate for the practice of an ‘engaged anthropology’ which is not just concerned with academic critique and analysis, but is actively involved in development and other contemporary issues.

Power, Culture, Economy »
Indigenous Australians and Mining