Christina Parolin

Dr Christina Parolin researches in the field of early nineteenth century British radicalism. In 2009, she was awarded the J. G. Crawford Prize for her study, Radical Spaces, which explores the connection between architecture and space and popular radical culture in early 19th century London. During 2010-11 she held a Visiting Fellowship at the Humanities Research Centre, The Australian National University. Christina is currently the Executive Director of the Australian Academy of the Humanities.
Her publications include: ‘The ‘She-Champion of Impiety’: a case study of female radicalism’ in M.T Davis and Paul. A Pickering (eds), Unrespectable Radicals? Popular Politics in the Age of Reform, Ashgate, 2008; ‘Let us have truth and liberty’: contesting Britishness and Otherness from the prison cell, London 1820-26’, Humanities Research, vol xiii, no.1 2006, pp.71-84; and Michael Davis, Iain McCalman, Christina Parolin (eds) Newgate in Revolution: An anthology of Radical Prison Literature in the Age of Revolution, Continuum Press, London, 2005. Her latest publication is Radical Spaces: Venues of Popular Politics in London 1790-c.1845, ANU Press, 2010.

Radical Spaces »
Venues of popular politics in London, 1790–c. 1845