Learning from agri-environment schemes in Australia

Learning from agri-environment schemes in Australia

Investing in biodiversity and other ecosystem services on farms

Edited by: Dean Ansell, Fiona Gibson orcid, David Salt

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Learning from agri-environment schemes in Australia is a book about the birds and the beef — more specifically it is about the billions of dollars that governments pay farmers around the world each year to protect and restore biodiversity. After more than two decades of these schemes in Australia, what have we learnt? Are we getting the most out of these investments, and how should we do things differently in the future? Involving contributions from ecologists, economists, social scientists, restoration practitioners and policymakers, this book provides short, engaging chapters that cover a wide spectrum of environmental, agricultural and social issues involved in agri-environment schemes.


ISBN (print):
ISBN (online):
Publication date:
May 2016
ANU Press
Social Sciences: Politics & International Studies

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Learning from agri-environment schemes in Australia »

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To copy a chapter DOI link, right-click (on a PC) or control+click (on a Mac) and then select ‘Copy link location’.

  1. Introduction: Framing the agri-environment (PDF, 506KB)Dean Ansell, Fiona Gibson, and David Salt doi

Part I. The agri-environment in the real world

  1. Working effectively with farmers on agri-environment investment (PDF, 417KB)Graham Fifield doi
  2. The Environmental Stewardship Program: Lessons on creating long-term agri-environment schemes (PDF, 433KB)Emma Burns, Charlie Zammit, Simon Attwood and David Lindenmayer doi
  3. Do farmers love brolgas, seagrass and coral reefs? It depends on who's paying, how much, and for how long! (PDF, 435KB)Geoff Park doi
  4. The vital role of environmental NGOs: Trusted brokers in complex markets (PDF, 451KB)David Freudenberger doi
  5. Agricultural land use policy in the European Union: A brief history and lessons learnt (PDF, 478KB)Rob Fraser doi
  6. A brief history of agri-environment policy in Australia: From community-based NRM to market-based instruments (PDF, 308KB)David Salt doi

Part II. The birds and the beef

  1. Can recognition of ecosystem services help biodiversity conservation? (PDF, 425KB)Saul Cunningham doi
  2. A perspective on land sparing versus land sharing (PDF, 415KB)Anna Renwick and Nancy Schellhorn doi
  3. Restoring ecosystem services on private farmlands: Lessons from economics (PDF, 152KB)Md Sayed Iftekhar, Maksym Polyakov and Fiona Gibson doi
  4. Scaling the benefits of agri-environment schemes for biodiversity (PDF, 242KB)Geoffrey Kay doi
  5. Social dimensions of biodiversity conservation programs (PDF, 193KB)Saan Ecker doi
  6. Contract preferences and psychological determinants of participation in agri-environment schemes (PDF, 533KB)Romy Greiner doi
  7. Accounting for private benefits in ecological restoration planning (PDF, 359KB)Maksym Polyakov and David Pannell doi

Part III. Planning, doing and learning

  1. Defining and designing cost-effective agri-environment schemes (PDF, 316KB)Dean Ansell doi
  2. Transaction costs in agri-environment schemes (PDF, 288KB)Stuart Whitten and Anthea Coggan doi
  3. What a difference a metric makes: Strong (and weak) metrics for agri-environment schemes (PDF, 273KB)Fiona Gibson and David Pannell doi
  4. Public benefits, private benefits, and the choice of policy tool for land-use change (PDF, 289KB)David Pannell doi
  5. Controls and counterfactual information in agro-ecological investment (PDF, 400KB)David Duncan and Paul Reich doi
  6. Achieving greater gains in biodiversity from agri-environment schemes (PDF, 413KB)Philip Gibbons doi
  7. Lessons for policy from Australia's experience with conservation tenders (PDF, 156KB)Graeme Doole and Louise Blackmore doi
  8. Improving the performance of agri-environment programs: Reflections on best practice in design and implementation (PDF, 355KB)David Pannell doi
  9. Conclusion – Elements of good design (PDF, 394KB)Dean Ansell, Fiona Gibson and David Salt doi

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