News & events
Find out our latest news at ANU Press, including featured titles, recent publications, upcoming book launches, interviews, publication subsidies and prizes.

Interview with Adam Triggs, EAFQ
Date posted: 14 November 2018
We recently met up with Adam Triggs, guest editor of the East Asia Forum Quarterly (Volume 10, Number 4). In this extended interview, Adam tells... more

Book Launch: Popular Music, Stars & Stardom
Event date: 27 September 2018
Please join Dr Stephen Loy, Dr Julie Rickwood and Associate Professor Samantha Bennett as they launch their edited book ... more

Undergraduate publishing: What is it, and what do you want from it?
Event date: 24 May 2018
Want to get published and don’t know how; think traditional publishing outlets are outdated and in need of a revamp? ANU Press is examining the future of undergraduate publishing and we want to hear... more

Undergraduate publishing: What is it, and what do you want from it?
Event date: 3 May 2018
Want to get published and don’t know how; think traditional publishing outlets are outdated and in need of a revamp? ANU Press is examining the future of undergraduate publishing and we want to hear... more

ANU Press to launch not-for-profit music record label
Date posted: 26 March 2018
After 15 years of publishing world-class books, ANU Press is excited to again be at the cutting edge of open-access exploration as we look to launch a new imprint in 2019 specifically for publishing... more

2018 CASS PhD Publishing Prize
Date posted: 19 March 2018
The CASS Humanities & Creative Arts ANU Press Editorial Board is offering a prize valued at $2,500 for the best completed and passed PhD thesis submitted in CASS since 2014.

Book launch: Teaching ‘Proper’ Drinking?
Event date: 26 March 2018
Can people learn to drink differently? There can be no argument that the level of harm from alcohol in Australia is too high and that some communities are disproportionately affected. In her book... more

ANU Press 2018 catalogue
Date posted: 12 February 2018
ANU Press is proud to reveal its 2018 Catalogue, which showcases some of the most successful titles of the past 12 months. The 60 new titles published last year takes our entire list to over 750... more

ANU Press shortlisted
Date posted: 9 February 2018
ANU Press is excited to be shortlisted for the... more

Book launch: Land Use in Australia
Event date: 26 February 2018
Professor Saul Cunningham, Director, Fenner School of Environment and Society, invites you and your guests to the book launch of: ... more