Exploring the Earth Under the Sea – public lecture and book launch

Professor Neville Exon explores the achievements of Australian scientists during Australia’s involvement with the International Ocean Discovery Program, a marine research collaboration involving 23 countries that explores Earth's history and dynamics using high-technology ocean-going drilling platforms. Continuous cores of sediment and rock can be taken in nearly all water depths, down to 3 km beneath the seabed, covering time periods back to 200 million years. The expeditions address global scientific questions in the fields of climate and oceanographic change, early life forms and the microbes that live beneath the seabed, Earth’s dynamics and geological hazards such as sea-level rise, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes and tsunamis. A number of expeditions have been in our region in recent years and more are happening at present.

The book will be available for sale

This is a free event, but registrations are encouraged via www.stickytickets.com.au/60417/book_launch_exploring_the_earth_under_the_sea.aspx

To download an electronic copy of the book please visit press.anu.edu.au/publications/exploring-earth-under-sea

Dates and times
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6–8pm 7 December 2017


National Library of Australia Conference Room
Fourth Floor
Canberra ACT 2600
National Library of Australia
+61 2 6262 1111